Sunday 22 September 2013


Meeting people is probably one of the biggest challenges I think anyone is faced with on their year abroad. I mean, it's a bit like starting school, university or work. But in a different language...with a different culture.

If you didn't choose to go to uni, it's inevitable that you're going to have to make a bigger effort to get some mates. In my case, a gigantic my apartment is on a main road, close to a residential area, and in order to get to town it takes 10 minutes by car or 18 by bike, that is, if you pedal as frantically as me. However, due to the town being small, the autobus stops at 8pm. Take into account I'm used to the frequency of the tube/night bus in London. You could possible compare the difference in transport to jet lag from London to America. Just a little over-exaggerated.

So the question is: how do I meet people? 

If there was an immediate answer I wouldn't be writing this. Yes of course I can join clubs/courses/sports but first I've got to find these things. So in the meantime I need people. 

What did I do.. I took myself into town an ordered a Spritz (speciality drink: Prosecco, Aperol and fizzy water) in the main piazza 

and just took in my surrounds and I kid you not, within 10 minutes this Italian ragazzo, Andrea, comes and joins my table... we get chatting and then he introduces his 2 other friends. They've all just finish school, which happens when your 19, and ones going to study in Venice. Two drinks later and I've been invited to a party with them. Talk about luck. They pick me up as one of them is the segregated driver, and that led to an amusing night out. 

Idiot. Spontaneous. Careless. Fun. Dangerous... Risky. 

And this it the thing when it comes to meeting people. In order to get to know someone I've got to take risks...Right. I did give some of their contact details to Sandra and Carlotta before... so not completely ignorant. But hey, I met some people.

Question still remains, is it ok to be approached at a bar and make friends that way, with a stranger... No matter what, everyone is a stranger to me here!

To finish, thought you should know that I've signed myself up on a weekly 'Pittura a olio' course in Treviso... the outcome of the paintings should be entertaining. 

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