Monday 23 September 2013


This machine was my worst nightmare in the first week. It did everything I didn't want it to... Truthfully, it was just me pressing any button to get some liquid to come out. 

It was not just a simple 'Americano' or 'Cappuccino' as I hoped, but an everlasting list of different types of coffee. 

Schiuma (with chocolate) - for the bambini, looks more impressive than any of the drinks made.

Macchiato Freddo
Latte Macchiato 
Cappuccino (some with or without 'schiuma')
Caffe Baileys
Caffe Orzo - I pronounce 'Orso' which means bear, and then spend the next couple of seconds trying to get Lorena to help me, who is just watching in hysterics!
Caffe Affogato

Then of course, just a normal coffee. This is about a sips worth of coffee in a miniature tea-cup. Simple I thought...HOWEVER, why not just give it more than one name, it would be like that lucky child who gets baptised with about 4 middle-names.

So we have:

caffe lungho
caffe restretto
cafe leche
cafe normale

Take your pick. 

So you can imagine me in the first week, having only been taught 'caffe' thinking, this is pretty simple until someone rapidly asks for one of the above minus the word caffe before it...

All this said, it is now pretty satisfying making that perfect coffee. I'm yet to perfect this sort of thing....

but when I do, you'll know. 

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